WiFi Rickshaw Price in Pakistan 2025

In the automobile market, Wifi Richshaw is now ready for launch but nobody knows about WiFi Rickshaw Price in Pakistan 2025. The famous cellular company Ufone is now introducing a new rickshaw in Pakistan, a WiFi rickshaw. This silver-colored, oval-shaped, and somewhat like a conventional Rickshaw, an innovative form of vehicle, has been spotted by many in Lahore. WiFi and GSM Services will available in these rickshaws. The company intends to introduce it in the largest city in Pakistan Karachi.

WiFi Rickshaw Price in Pakistan 2025

In the Pakistani market, Wifi Rickshaw is ready for launch with a new feature which is Wifi. People who will travel in this rickshaw will use Wifi without any charges. So, this is the main unique point.

WiFi Rickshaw with free WiFi and GPS ServiceWiFi Rickshaw with free WiFi and GPS Service

The idea of replacing the old blue & green rickshaws is part of a marketing campaign to promote Ufone’s mobile internet service. The GSM service company has tried to promote internet service through creative collaboration with talent agencies. The WiFi rickshaw is assembled by Ascend Engineering In Mansoora, Lahore, and brainchild of “Brand Active”.

WiFi Rickshaw parked in Engineering compound WiFi Rickshaw parked in Ascend Engineering compound Ready to Launch

According to Brad Active, the new rickshaw are smart and fully equipped vehicles. In this rickshaw, Ufone will provide free WiFi and 3G connections to passengers. The new rickshaws are parked at the engineering compound and ready to launch as Ufone calls for launch. Soon passengers will get the benefits of this WiFi rickshaw service when it will be launched regularly.

Ufone is very famous for its unique advertising method and techniques so it is expected that this service will grow rapidly. Ufone is advertising to promote WiFi rickshaws in Pakistan, which is the very first service of its kind in Pakistan. Ufone has pulled off some of the best marketing campaigns seen on television, billboards, radio, and many other media platforms. WiFi Rickshaw Price in Pakistan 2025 has yet not been announced.

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