Many imported and local manufacturer vehicles that come with 1800Cc engine power are available in the market under different price ranges. People who asking for an 1800Cc car price in Pakistan 2025 now see the below table which has been mentioned in complete detail. People think only sedan body vehicle come in 1800Cc no this is wrong because many SUV vehicle has been launched with 1800Cc engine. On the other hand names of all vehicles along with names are mentioned.
1800 Cc Car Price in Pakistan 2025
All models that come with 1800 Cc are now available below along with prices. On the other hand, prices, specs, features, and outer shape are not the same. Moreover, before buying an 1800Cc vehicle must get the price from this page and then compare it with the market
Honda Civic | PKR 8,599,000 to PKR 10,199,000 |
Toyota Grande | PKR 6,169,000 to PKR 7,799,000 |
Toyota Prius | PKR 14,649,000 |
Toyota Voxy | PKR 8,750,000 to PKR 17,500,000 |
Mercedes Benz E Class 4th | PKR 8900000 |
Mercedes Benz C Class | N/A |
Mercedes Benz E Class 3rd | N/A |
Toyota C-HR | PKR 4,200,000 to PKR 9,000,000 |
Audi A4 | PKR 5,850,000 to PKR 35,000,000 |
DFSK Glory 580 | PKR 5,610,000 to PKR 6,990,000 |
Toyota Corolla Cross | PKR 12,249,000 to PKR 13,419,000 |
Basically, 1800 Cc vehicles come in big size engine category and definitely, its maintenance cost and prices will be high. Further, for guidance, the customer who is interested and easily afford this vehicle now can buy it because the approximate price figure is mentioned.